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Nacho - Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Nacho - Ban Appeal - Nacholistic - 08-09-2015

Steam Name (Current): Nacholistic

Steam Name (During incident): Nacho

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53454026

Steam Profile Link:

Name of staff you were banned by: CONSOLE

Length of the ban: N/A

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: I would like for my ban to be repealed, but would be equally happy with it just being shortened

Reason for ban: Constant RDM

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes, yes I did. Sad

What really happened?: Not really applicable, but I was being what i felt was harassed by someone named "Poon Slayer 420" (I think). I had gotten really pissed off by him, and made it my mission to ruin his time on FRG. Not exactly the best thing I could have done, and i realize this now.

Additional details: I realize that I have had multiple chances across NTG and FRG, but this ban was almost 8 months ago now... I feel as if I have changed a lot for the better, and I hope you guys will give me another chance. :3

RE: Nacho - Ban Appeal - McNuggie - 08-09-2015

Nacho, I'll tell you right now; unless you try and be part of the community, perhaps by being on the forums, your chances on getting unbanned are almost 0 since we have no reason to believe you've changed.

Participate in forum conversations, show you've matured, and maybe it's possible, but i definitely see this one getting denied as you just keep making appeals without any posts in-between.

I'd also like to state that you changed your story between your last ban appeal and this one. What if you "think you're done with gmod" again?

(08-09-2015, 10:56 PM)Nacholistic Wrote:  What really happened?: Not really applicable, but I was being what i felt was harassed by someone named "Poon Slayer 420" (I think). I had gotten really pissed off by him, and made it my mission to ruin his time on FRG. Not exactly the best thing I could have done, and i realize this now.

Nacholistic Wrote:What really happened?: I constantly RDM'd because i thought i would be done with Gmod since i found CSGO, that was wrong.

You haven't supported yourself in any of your ban appeals, you haven't participated in the community what-so-ever to show that you deserve to be unbanned, and I just don't think you REALLY want it. -1.

No hard feelings.

RE: Nacho - Ban Appeal - 2bias - 08-09-2015

someone messaged me that yesterday on ntg, they took a vote to unban you, and every 30 people voted no. That is saying something....

RE: Nacho - Ban Appeal - Nacholistic - 08-09-2015

(08-09-2015, 11:30 PM)TobiasX^4 Wrote:  someone messaged me that yesterday on ntg, they took a vote to unban you, and every 30 people voted no. That is saying something....

the vote was actually 12-15 according to hack...

RE: Nacho - Ban Appeal - McNuggie - 08-09-2015

(08-09-2015, 11:30 PM)TobiasX^4 Wrote:  someone messaged me that yesterday on ntg, they took a vote to unban you, and every 30 people voted no. That is saying something....

What occurs on NTG does not reflect anything on FRG. (although it CAN reflect on how someone acts in general, a vote says nothing since 90% of them likely did not know him)

RE: Nacho - Ban Appeal - 2bias - 08-09-2015

(08-09-2015, 11:31 PM)Nacholistic Wrote:  
(08-09-2015, 11:30 PM)TobiasX^4 Wrote:  someone messaged me that yesterday on ntg, they took a vote to unban you, and every 30 people voted no. That is saying something....

the vote was actually 12-15 according to hack...

3 people told me that almost NOBODY voted yes. either way, you had so many chances to improve, on frg, ntg, and even wogs, but you got banned on ALL of them, because you don't feel like changing.

RE: Nacho - Ban Appeal - Terran - 08-09-2015

If you're banned permanently, then it means that you're no longer welcome here.

RE: Nacho - Ban Appeal - Aresuft - 08-09-2015

Its a permaban for a reason

RE: Nacho - Ban Appeal - Mr. Cyan Spy - 08-10-2015

(08-09-2015, 10:56 PM)Nacholistic Wrote:  What really happened?: Not really applicable, but I was being what i felt was harassed by someone named "Poon Slayer 420" (I think). I had gotten really pissed off by him, and made it my mission to ruin his time on FRG. Not exactly the best thing I could have done, and i realize this now.

Nacholistic Wrote:What really happened?: I constantly RDM'd because i thought i would be done with Gmod since i found CSGO, that was wrong.

This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

RE: Nacho - Ban Appeal - Jake1o - 08-10-2015

You've had more chances than anyone I can think of. Gonna have to say no.