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Derps re-member+ app... - Printable Version

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Derps re-member+ app... - Ritt - 08-08-2015

Steam Name(Current): derp-a-doodle-doo

Age: 16

Current Rank: member

Have you ever been banned and why: a few times over jokes with friends and one miss understanding. Nothing serious

Why would you like to be promoted?: I would like to be promoted because I want to be a large part of the community and be able to help when needed. Yes I made mistake that led to me being demoted but I feel I have learned from my mistake and feel I can benefit the server again

Why do you think we should promote you?: I think you should re-promote me because in the time I was this in the position before i over reacted and messed up i feel I was helpful to the server. I would like to be helpful again and make the server a all around better environment for everyone.

Do you have any administrative experience: yes mostly in miecraft but I have experience in gmod as well. I have co-owned administrated and been a mod throughout minecraft servers when I played it before gmod. I have also been mod on a gmod servery before is closed down.

Additional Details: I know I over reacted and made a mistake that caused me to lose me rank. I feel I have learned from my mistake and feel ready to help again. If you feel i don't deserve a second chance i respect that as i did mess up and deserve the consequences.i appreciate any and all feedback from this app as it will help me correct myself more. Thank you for reading this and I hope the past is the past.

(I have been on vacation and that is why I have not been on. My flight lands at 4 tomorrow so I should be able to get on at about 5. I miss you guys ^×^)

RE: Derps re-member+ app... - Jake1o - 08-24-2015

More feedback?

RE: Derps re-member+ app... - Jake1o - 09-22-2015

I wanted to accept this but you don't play anymore really. Denied for now but reapply if you become active again.