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MatlaS's unban request - Printable Version

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MatlaS's unban request - Callschanov Bhugavich - 08-07-2015

Steam Name (Current): Unquenchable MatlaS

Steam Name (During incident): MatlaS (most likely)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:26489585

Steam Profile Link:

Name of staff you were banned by: I'unno, I'll have to check.

Length of the ban: Permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Shortened, repealed, anything helps really.

Reason for ban: Being an aggresive little shit, rude, nosey, obnoxious in chat, being a bad player in general.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Ye'sir.

Additional details: I have a mic now, I've had a lot of shit go on lately, and I'm too tired to be complaining, so you won't be hearing me complain 24/7 about things like I used too; I will also not be a little jackass as I always have been. Period, no questions asked, four stacks full.

RE: MatlaS's unban request - dongle - 08-08-2015


I remember your departure, it was a huge shitstorm.


RE: MatlaS's unban request - Terran - 08-08-2015

I don't understand what the point of a "Permanent Ban" is, since people just try to get them removed anyways, but I don't care either or.

RE: MatlaS's unban request - 2bias - 08-08-2015

you had 5+ chances, yet, you didn't even try to change, not even a little.


RE: MatlaS's unban request - Mr. Cyan Spy - 08-08-2015

No, just no... you had over 50+ warnings from me alone to stop false reporting, stop causing fights in server chat and your response was that you enjoyed doing it... then got upset when people called you annoying?

Then there is that departure thread you posted which was like a giant sob story to which when I was on my alt asked you about it, you said "It was for fun"...

-1 tooo manyyy problemsss

RE: MatlaS's unban request - Jake1o - 08-08-2015

lol no