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Wolfy9800's Member+ application - Printable Version

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Wolfy9800's Member+ application - Wolfy9800 - 08-07-2015

Steam Name(Current):Wolfy9800


Current Rank:Member

Have you ever been banned and why?:I don't think so..

Why would you like to be promoted?:I have been trying out my best to help out new players as much as I can as a member, when there isn't any staff members on there is sometimes RDM on the server which is really annoying, I try my best to get proof to get RDMers banned when there isn't any staff members on.

Why do you think we should promote you?:I try to play a lot on the server when I have time, I have experience in handling RDM situations and I would like to be more helpful to the players when there isn't any staff members on.

Do you have any administrative experience?:Yes, I had Super admin on a DarkRP server and a couple of minecraft servers.

Additional Details: No additional details because i'm a scrub. Oh wait does this count as additional details.

RE: Wolfy9800's Member+ application - Jake1o - 09-08-2015

2 replies in 1 month. Denied.