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Pestilence Membership Application - Printable Version

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Pestilence Membership Application - Echidnah - 07-31-2015

Age: 15

Steam Name(Current): Pestilence

Time played on servers?: 52 hours 56 minutes 27 seconds

Where did you hear about this server?: From terran a while back.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Not that i have knowledge of but i will admit i have been slayed

Why do you want to join?: Because its a fun server.

Referred by: Terran

Additional Details: None that i can think of at the moment.

RE: Membership Application For Pestilence - halutus - 07-31-2015

+1 super cool guy, doesn't throw fits about stupid shit.

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - Terran - 07-31-2015

+1, yeah! The app is a bit minimal and he barely exceeds the time, but otherwise he's a solid all-around dude who doesn't cause trouble. He plays well and is always nice, so there's no reason not to support. Positive ratings from me!

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - Enchantable - 07-31-2015

talks a lot and doesnt rdm me
so pretty much +2

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - HeisenBurger - 08-01-2015

+1 what terran said he's all ways nice he doesn't flame like yours truly and he sticks to the rules i have yet to see him do anything bad.

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - BlueInTheBalls - 08-05-2015

+1, fun guy to play with, doesn't cause any problems.

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - Mr.Potato - 08-05-2015

+1 pretty cool and I have no problems with him

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - Chosen - 08-05-2015

+1 , he is pretty cool to play with and I would support him for member!

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - dongle - 08-06-2015

oh no you've been slayed once


doesnt deserve member because of it

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - Unpoke - 08-06-2015

+1, good player, fun to be around, plays at night which is great