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Sarle's member application - Printable Version

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Sarle's member application - Sarle_ - 07-28-2015

Age 21

Time played on servers? 50 Hours 0 Minute 6 Seconds

Where did you hear about this server?: Denneh

Have you ever been banned and why?: on alot of german russian and french servers since i like to harras them because of their "french/german/russian" only rules

Why do you want to join?: i like the server and ive made alot of friends on it

Recommended by: Terran, Leo the sexy kitty, Denneh, Trigger_hurt

Additional Details: ive already donated 200$ im here to play legit

RE: Sarle's member application - Terran - 07-28-2015

To be honest, its better to make an application some time AFTER 50 hours, but there's no problem with not. Sarle is fun to chat and play with, even if some people seem to get annoyed by him, he doesn't RDM and cause issues. The application is very, very unimpressive though, but I'm still going to +1 you 'cuz you're my friend and I'm a bit biased, sue me! +1.

RE: Sarle's member application - Rotshout - 07-28-2015

(07-28-2015, 02:30 PM)Terran Wrote:  To be honest, its better to make an application some time AFTER 50 hours, but there's no problem with not. Sarle is fun to chat and play with, even if some people seem to get annoyed by him, he doesn't RDM and cause issues. The application is very, very unimpressive though, but I'm still going to +1 you 'cuz you're my friend and I'm a bit biased, sue me! +1.

Jasquizzle made a member app right after he hit fifty hours, it was accepted pretty quickly. Then he made a +member app right after he hit seventy-five. It was accepted, and we haven't seen him since. He's probably off doing some Eagle Scouts shit. I should call him.

Anyways, Sarle is okay from what I've seen of him. I don't see any reason to not give him member, so +1 from me.

RE: Sarle's member application - Enchantable - 07-28-2015

Sarle is nice and he has an accent so lol +1

RE: Sarle's member application - Sarle_ - 07-28-2015

what's with ppl loving my accent ? ive heard that from like 10 guys already and someone tought that im scottishc ?! im not im finnish

RE: Sarle's member application - Denneh - 07-28-2015

Sarle and I go pretty far back. Sarle even played NTG for a little bit back before the inv system and hes a pretty cool guy

RE: Sarle's member application - bastard - 07-28-2015

+1, pretty cool dude from when i played with him

RE: Sarle's member application - Kendrick Lamar NotFound.Tech - 07-28-2015

+1 active on the server, nice to everybody, and knows the rules.

RE: Sarle's member application - Jake1o - 08-10-2015

Denied due to lack of replies. Feel free to reapply anytime.
