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Mary's +Member Application - Printable Version

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Mary's +Member Application - Mary - 07-27-2015

Steam Name(Current): Mary

Age: 19

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: No

Why would you like to be promoted?: I really don't have a reason for this. I haven't been playing too often since I have a job now and I'm not home on the weekends... But in between I try to get on. I mean, I at least grew in hours before applying, lol. I'm probably going to be more active since I'm starting to work nights now to get ready for university. And usually I can ask a +member or a staff member to get on and help what I need it, but I don't want to depend on people too much anymore (real reason: I don't want to be annoying anymore by asking for help).

Why do you think we should promote you?: Well, I try to be genuinely nice to everyone on the server if I have the patience for it (even to those who dislike me which I hope there isn't many). I have a great time playing, and it is my new home. I mean, member is fine to me if I'm that forever, people still are like: Whoah, a member is on! when there are new people on. Uh, I think you should THINK about promoting me, because I try sooooo hard not to cause any problems even though they still arise and I try my best to solve problems and issues that other people have which sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't (most of the time it's just neutral).

Do you have any administrative experience: I was a moderator on a TTT server I played on for a year. I got moderator and had it for 4 months, I got to be really good friends with all the other staff and all the other players and then some old admin came back and threw a bitch fit on how I was a moderator and that the owner didn't run it through her before promoting me. So I PM'd the owner and said it was okay to demote me to avoid more drama. The admin stayed for another week more, then left again after I left lol. (Females can be super nice, really rude, or in between I've noticed)

Additional Details: I had a really tough time filling out why I would like to be promoted and why I think you guys should promote me, so if it's not what you're looking for, I can PM and try to explain it a little bit better.

RE: Mary's +Member Application - Jake1o - 08-11-2015
