Forerunner Gaming
Roman RDM and Leave. - Printable Version

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Roman RDM and Leave. - siglings - 07-27-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): ]CS[ Roman_562- Not Dead

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:69281529

Map the event happened on: TeenRoom.

Date of event: 7/27/2015

What Happened?: Roman decided to be smart and just blast the beautiful Siglings with a shotgun. FOR NO REASON AT ALL.

Witnesses: No one actually saw it (I think) but though Terran, Blue, Rot were on the server.

Evidence: The RDM The Leave Some nice beautiful language here.

If you need from FAAARR back then I will do it.

RE: Roman RDM and Leave. - Terran - 07-27-2015

+1, he's a problem causer. Please ban.

RE: Roman RDM and Leave. - McNuggie - 07-27-2015
