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New godlike - Printable Version

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New godlike - Dr. Zoidberg - 07-27-2015

Ok first things first... I am 100% new to blender and what I am about to show is a rough start.

Name: Smaug
Gun: Famas
Stats: To be decided later, same with abilities.

I have been working most of the day learning about how blender works and how to certain things. I have found a Smaug 3D model that someone has created and is willing to send to those that ask (if I get it I will continue working on this gun until people like it or it is approved) for now all I have is a rough design and I am going to work on it as much as I can.
And please, it's my first design. So be honest with how it looks so far.

*takes a deep breath* well, here it is so far..
Edit: My imgur messed up so the pictures are towards the bottom of the post.

RE: New godlike - McNuggie - 07-27-2015

Image broke.

RE: New godlike - Dr. Zoidberg - 07-27-2015

Yea trying to fix it ugh..

Edit: Fixed phew
Edit: Already noticing things I messed up.

RE: New godlike - RetralMega - 07-27-2015

So you're not ready to have it suggested? It doesn't have stats, abilities, or really anything other than the skin (which looks alright, I guess).

RE: New godlike - Dr. Zoidberg - 07-27-2015

How so? I not the one that sets that stats or abilities in the long run. I have an idea and a very rough design to start from. How is it not?

RE: New godlike - Soulmashed - 07-27-2015

But be care full look up copyright laws in Canada because if you used a copyrighted img and brass uses it could cause you or him to get sued.
But it has a great look to it and i kinda hope this goes through.

RE: New godlike - Dr. Zoidberg - 07-27-2015


It's coming along
and I understand the copyright issue, but remember that the Thrakos is from an entirely different game :p (or atleast VERY similar)

RE: New godlike - Dr. Zoidberg - 07-27-2015

and this is where I end for the night. I want honest opinions. If I can polish it out more would people like it enough to vote it (possibly) into the game?

RE: New godlike - Skully_Fluff - 07-27-2015

It's okay, seems a little off put with all the other god likes.

RE: New godlike - Rotshout - 07-27-2015

The trigger looks a little shrimpy. Also, curved magazines are cool.