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ak scooter - RDM's a det for fun. - Printable Version

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ak scooter - RDM's a det for fun. - Terran - 07-26-2015

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): ak scooter

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:41046066

Map the event happened on: ttt_waterworld

Date of event: July 26th

What Happened?: He goes up, kills the detective early into the round, says he did it for fun (Screenshot), and then leaves.

Witnesses: Pulsefire, EmperorWhale, Niceshot, Siglings.


RE: ak scooter - RDM's a det for fun. - RetralMega - 07-26-2015

It's only one RDM... why not just PM a staff member that picture and ask for the accused to be !aslay'd when possible?

But yeah, +1 for two slays. Killing the Detective as an Innocent unprovoked is two slays, right?

RE: ak scooter - RDM's a det for fun. - [GR]NICESHOTgetrektm8 - 07-26-2015

Yes I can confirm this; It's so fun what new people do especially when high ranks are on Big Grin

RE: ak scooter - RDM's a det for fun. - Mougwi - 07-26-2015

rdm proven, but no leave evidence. yet.

RE: ak scooter - RDM's a det for fun. - McNuggie - 07-26-2015

Purposeful rdm of a det is a ban guys.

RE: ak scooter - RDM's a det for fun. - McNuggie - 07-26-2015

Not someone wanted on FRG. Banned.