Forerunner Gaming
DrummerKeith56 membership application - Printable Version

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DrummerKeith56 membership application - DrummerKeith56 - 07-19-2015

Steam Name: DrummerKeith56


Time played on servers: 58hours 22 minutes

Have you ever been banned and why?: no

Why do you want to join?: i wanted to play trouble in terrorist town and it was on the menu and did not have a lot of addons

RE: DrummerKeith56 membership application - Dreadark - 07-19-2015

this app is really barebones. And you forgot age.

You just don't stand out enough for me to have an opinion on you yet.

RE: DrummerKeith56 membership application - McNuggie - 07-19-2015

You skipped parts of the app. -1 for now.

RE: DrummerKeith56 membership application - RetralMega - 07-19-2015

-1 because of wrong template.

RE: DrummerKeith56 membership application - EmperorWhale - 07-19-2015

For one thing, you never use your mic. I frequently had cases of rdm and other things with you. This app also is pretty bad. -1

RE: DrummerKeith56 membership application - Thelegend2001 - 07-21-2015

I don't see you talk very much maybe thats just me but this application could definitly be better and im not sure your ready as of now -1

RE: DrummerKeith56 membership application - NeoLeo - 07-21-2015

Never see you often. wrong template rip -1

DrummerKeith56 membership application - Jake1o - 07-28-2015
