Forerunner Gaming
What up - Printable Version

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What up - EmperorWhale - 07-14-2015

Hey FRG folks. I'm the one known as EmperorWhale. I'm in Highschool (17) and I do some sports (soccer/running) along with gaming.I stopped playing Gmod over a year ago when I told McNuggie to demote me from Op on NTG. I was browsing the server list and saw Terran's name on FRG not knowing it was basically all the cool guys from NTG. Thanks Terran! So far FRG is the best community I've come across and I come back because of the people on it, not cause I like TTT. That's just a bonus really. I feel like I'm known by a good amount of people but if you haven't met me, HI.

RE: What up - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-14-2015

Yes yes dis is why we live bc of whales

RE: What up - McNuggie - 07-14-2015

Hadddd too calll meeee outttt


Welcome Emperor, you're a really cool guy man, I'm glad that you are enjoying FRG. I hope you make a member app soon, because I am sure you'll get member really quick.

Don't worry, I won't get you demoted here too! haha

Enjoy your time here!

RE: What up - Dreadark - 07-14-2015

Greetings. Yea I remember you from ages ago.

RE: What up - Twizzler - 07-14-2015

You seem really familiar to me. I most likely played with you on NTG. Anyway, welcome to FRG!

RE: What up - SP1D3RP1G - 07-14-2015

Heart Emperor

-SP1D3R Cool

RE: What up - Pepper - 07-14-2015

Welcome back whale with the "h" Pronounced.