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A new godlike (just read this atleast) - Printable Version

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A new godlike (just read this atleast) - Dr. Zoidberg - 07-11-2015

Unpoke and I have come up with a gun to end all guns... Imagine, a new shotgun... The gun itself is modeled after Terran, so like a Terran action figure. The arms being the forward grip and legs the stock. Now ofcouse all godlike guns have something special about them. So what is so special about this gun? I mean yea it's a shotgun (ew) but imagine! Everytime it shoots it says "Fuck shotguns." in Terran's voice. And something funny like a 1 in 8 chance to make the person you shoot say "I love shotguns!" In chat.

RE: A new godlike (just read this atleast) - Terran - 07-11-2015

I'm not happy.
I am displeased.

RE: A new godlike (just read this atleast) - Dreadark - 07-11-2015

im thinking of a punishment for you guys just for thinking of this.

RE: A new godlike (just read this atleast) - McNuggie - 07-11-2015

Drop ban for a month?

RE: A new godlike (just read this atleast) - Dr. Zoidberg - 07-11-2015

Limit us to only recieve totally terran guns from drops?

RE: A new godlike (just read this atleast) - Unpoke - 07-11-2015

A shotgun that does extra damage to staff members or anyone above the level 20?

RE: A new godlike (just read this atleast) - Dreadark - 07-11-2015

(07-11-2015, 03:08 AM)100midgets jr. Wrote:  Limit us to only recieve totally terran guns from drops?

6 month ban for making this suggestion. +3 months for calling totaliterran guns totally terran.

(07-11-2015, 03:09 AM)Unpoke Wrote:  A shotgun that does extra damage to staff members or anyone above the level 20?

4 month ban for helping make the suggestion. +3 months for this suggestion.

RE: A new godlike (just read this atleast) - Terran - 07-11-2015

Dreadark for head admin.

RE: A new godlike (just read this atleast) - Dr. Zoidberg - 07-11-2015

I am sadly 100% serious about this gun. lol

RE: A new godlike (just read this atleast) - Dreadark - 07-11-2015

(07-11-2015, 03:23 AM)100midgets jr. Wrote:  I am sadly 100% serious about this gun. lol
