Forerunner Gaming
Member+ Application - Pigeon Lord - Printable Version

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Member+ Application - Pigeon Lord - Pigeon Lord - 07-10-2015

Steam Name(Current): Pigeon Lord

Age: 16

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why?: Never, and I plan to keep it like that.

Why would you like to be promoted?: I want to be able to be of use to keeping peace on the server, help give justice to people RDMing when staff are unable to hop onto the server, and keep the peace with a sense of authority.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I think that I should be promoted, for I have tried to help in every way for the server, I have become more active for the community side of things.

Do you have any administrative experience?: Unfortunately, the only experience I have is with a few Minecraft servers that ended up shutting down or just blinked out of existence from no players, but I would like to add more experience under my belt and become more acquainted with the Gmod staffing sector.

Additional Details: No that I can think of, except for Down with the Unpoke!


RE: Member+ Application - Pigeon Lord - Jake1o - 08-03-2015

More feedback please!

RE: Member+ Application - Pigeon Lord - Jake1o - 08-10-2015

Good luck Pigeon. Don't become a mic spamming troll like your brother did. =P