Forerunner Gaming
The Sentence Game! - Printable Version

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The Sentence Game! - Twizzler - 07-10-2015

The game is pretty self explanatory. You can choose to use 1-3 words to continue the sentence. Ill start it off

Terran is a

RE: The Sentence Game! - Terran - 07-10-2015


RE: The Sentence Game! - 2bias - 07-10-2015

who needs many

RE: The Sentence Game! - Skully_Fluff - 07-10-2015


RE: The Sentence Game! - Twizzler - 07-10-2015

that can help

RE: The Sentence Game! - Dreadark - 07-10-2015

fuck you

RE: The Sentence Game! - Skully_Fluff - 07-10-2015

right in the

RE: The Sentence Game! - 2bias - 07-10-2015


RE: The Sentence Game! - Skully_Fluff - 07-10-2015


RE: The Sentence Game! - Zott - 07-10-2015

all alone