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How much is this so i know - Printable Version

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How much is this so i know - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-08-2015 its a glock that i dropped and before I sell it I want to know what its worth, offers were about 1k so.

RE: How much is this so i know - Terran - 07-08-2015

That's a good glock. 1k would be a pretty decent price for it, but others would probably know more.

RE: How much is this so i know - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-08-2015

sold for bellium or whatever its called and a night hawk

RE: How much is this so i know - Zott - 07-08-2015

Dude that is sexy. Plus firerate and damage? Whoever traded you overpayed but hell I would to.

RE: How much is this so i know - Terran - 07-08-2015

Eh, Bellums are 400-800 depending on the chance, Nighthawks are like 200-300 or so it seems. Reasonable trade in my eyes. (What chance is the bellum?)

RE: How much is this so i know - fanc typh - 03-15-2017

And terran, left to wonder forever in the infinite clouds of his thoughtless brain, was never told the chance of that bellum.
oh, and, uh, necro(philia), i guess.