Forerunner Gaming
»Ðante«'s Introduction - Printable Version

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»Ðante«'s Introduction - »Ðante« - 07-07-2015

Hello, I'm so glad that I found all my old TTT buddies from the good old days when Brassx used to work with NTG. I honestly believe this community has so much more potential then NTG by far, just by seeing these scripts that he made himself shows how much motivation and pride that he takes on his work. I hope to meet more of my old friends and new ones as well. I hope to see you all in-game.

RE: »Ðante«'s Introduction - Skully_Fluff - 07-07-2015

Welcome to FRG! Big Grin

RE: »Ðante«'s Introduction - RetralMega - 07-07-2015


RE: »Ðante«'s Introduction - Zott - 07-07-2015

Welcome to the club!

RE: »Ðante«'s Introduction - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-07-2015

Nice, you made it to forums. Welcome again!

RE: »Ðante«'s Introduction - McNuggie - 07-07-2015

Welcome to frg dood