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How to Always Win an Auction - Printable Version

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How to Always Win an Auction - RetralMega - 07-03-2015

I won a Legendary sword for one-hundred coins after someone outbid me with around four-hundred coins. They didn't have enough coins for it when it the auction ended, so it was given to me for the one-hundred coins I had bid previously.

This is just a theory based on the one auction I've ever participated in.
If someone donates say ten coins and then someone else donates an absurd amount no one would want to outbid then spends enough coins to not have enough for the auction, it would go to the person buying it for only ten coins.

Basically, you could scam the marketplace auctions using this theory.

I believe a good fix would be to have it so that when someone bids, it removes the coins from their inventory immediately unless they are outbid, in which case it would return the coins. This would prevent this kind of scamming entirely.

RE: How to Always Win an Auction - Terran - 07-03-2015

Isn't it simply a counter-measure for the fact that the person can't pay X amount of coins, despite "Winning" it, so it goes to the next bid, no matter how low it was?

I don't quite know why it wouldn't just cancel the auction, but this seems a far cry from "Scamming". I'm dumb though, so I could have gotten this all wrong.

Edit: Oh, yeah, that looks abusable if two people are working together.

RE: How to Always Win an Auction - Jake1o - 07-03-2015

Dave, you are pretty smart posting this in public for all to see... Probably should have made this a PM to Brass....

LUCKILY Brass and I talked about this months ago but we both forgot. He's working on coding something to fix it now. Thanks for reminding us but next time keep a serious exploit like this in the PMs please.

RE: How to Always Win an Auction - RetralMega - 07-03-2015


How to Always Win an Auction - Brassx - 07-03-2015

Should be fixed now. It will now look through all bids at a set time period and remove any bids where the player doesn't have enough coins.