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Minehuis Member Application - Printable Version

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Minehuis Member Application - Minehuis - 06-30-2015

Age: 14 Years Old

Steam Name(Current):Minehuis(Nerdy)-Fire-

Time played on servers?(!time username to check):150 hours

Where did you hear about this server?:I came from NTG

Have you ever been banned and why?:Yes I have for suspect Item farming. I don't know why cyan banned me after coming back from afk. Later it was over turned by McNuggie.

Why do you want to join?:I love playing on this server I love the people here. I like how there are no benelli to ruin the game. I love the mini games and the random give aways. I like how there is quest that you dont have to buy for a very big price. The lobby server makes it feel like you want us to play on this server.

Referred by:None

Additional Details:I follow the rules strictly which can cause so conflict between me and other players.
I am not ranger. I am Minehuis.

RE: Minehuis Member Application - SP1D3RP1G - 06-30-2015

Mine is a very calm player for a 14 yr old and would definitely be a good member! +1

RE: Minehuis Member Application - Max - 06-30-2015

You are only 14?? I would have thought you were older based on how you act. You would indeed be a good member.

RE: Minehuis Member Application - RetralMega - 07-01-2015

-1. I don't why you have a problem with me, but you annoy me and we've never even spoke.

RE: Minehuis Member Application - Terran - 07-01-2015

You get a lot of insults from people, Mine, yet you take them like a champ and roll with it instead of replying to the nobodies. That's respectable, I can get behind that. People should really start to treat you better, you're interesting and fun at times. I don't have any real opinion though, but I do like you.

RE: Minehuis Member Application - McNuggie - 07-13-2015

McNuggie Member Applicant Ranking System


Disclaimer : "The following is purely from McNuggie's perspective and does not necessarily represent facts or FRG community thoughts, and is subject to change"

The scoring system is with 5 being the best, and 1 being needs improvement.

1. Does the player frequently play on the server: 5
2. Is the player active on the forums: 4
3. Does the player know the rules: 3
4. Will the player represent the server well as a member: 3
5. The player does not troll: 4
6. The player has/uses his mic: 1
7. Communication skills: 3
8. Respects other players: 3
9. Respects staff: 4
10. Fun to play with: 4
11. Does the player show potential for staff in the future (for reference): 1
12. Is the quality of the players application showing that the player is serious about becoming member: 4

Score: 39/60

Grade: 65% D

Final Notes: Mine, you definitely have a few things you need to try and work on if you are serious on member. You have some problems with disrespect on the forums mainly (it was on the server before, but you've gotten MUCH better on there), you need to realize that sometimes saying things towards people that you may find funny, but others find rude or it may be something that could start a flame war, isn't good for the community. You're a really cool guy ingame but your forum behaviour is something that needs working on, as our forums show us as a server too.

Rating: +0

RE: Minehuis Member Application - Skully_Fluff - 07-15-2015

Does not understand what respect and maturity is. Completely announces on the TTT server that if players do not +1 his application he then would -1 everyone else. This shows no concern for the community, but only his selfishness to himself. If you need proof, check peoples apps. I guarantee he -1'd almost every single one, giving farfettch'd reasoning behind it. I know Mine, I played with him. He does break any rules, just does some wrong things in the terms suggested before. So it's a -1 from me for now.

RE: Minehuis Member Application - Twizzler - 07-15-2015

The incident I had with him last night definitely pushed me to do this. -1.

RE: Minehuis Member Application - »Ðante« - 07-15-2015

-support I do not believe this player understand how to respect other players and the lack of maturity. I also have witnessed this on TTT that Minehuis has mentioned about if the players in the community do not +1 his application he would then -1 everyone else. This lack of reason and responsibility within Minehuis is very concerning, which I would suggest a lack of morals and trust. He seems more concerned about his own self, receiving a rank that does not mean anything other then a privilege, which he should already be giving his all for the server even without this applications acceptance. I believe this player needs a re-evaluation of how he acts, I completely disagree about the fact that Terran mentions he acts mature for his age. If he was mature, he would not make threats or blackmail players to +support his application. I do not see this as a fitting example or any sort of model for future community members or player base. I do agree that Minehuis does in fact follow the rules, but I can surely say in the fact that he is very deviant in the attempt to conjure false allegations to victimize himself and present other players as rule breakers. Minehuis, shows signs of easily tempered when told things he does not want to hear.

RE: Minehuis Member Application - EmperorWhale - 07-15-2015

Agree with everything Dante says. Completely accurate. Claims I "bully" him when I never even talk to the guy. Either wants to start trouble or like dante says, wants to be the victim. -1