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Kritsmab's Member Application - Printable Version

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Kritsmab's Member Application - bastard - 06-28-2015


Steam Name(Current):

Time played on servers?:
50 hours and 19 seconds

Where did you hear about this server?:
when it was first tipped off on the NTG forums

Have you ever been banned and why?:

Why do you want to join?:

because ive been with the server since it became open beta

Referred by:
me, myself, i

Additional Details:

RE: Kritsmab's Member Application - Unpoke - 06-28-2015

+1, I love playin with you bb, and you don't break any rules either.

You're also pretty old here arentcha.

RE: Kritsmab's Member Application - McNuggie - 06-28-2015

you really dont play much at all... i can not support this until I see you on more.

RE: Kritsmab's Member Application - RetralMega - 06-28-2015

+1. Fun guy to play with!

RE: Kritsmab's Member Application - Excel - 06-28-2015

50 hrs in 9 months play more brah

RE: Kritsmab's Member Application - Terran - 06-28-2015

Eh, there's no real issues with being inactive. He has been around for a long time and he's someone I'd call a friend and enjoy playing with. Member is just a title that lets you say "I'm proud to have been accepted by FRG and you can trust me to know the rules!", and Krit fills that slot. I get that he doesn't have much time, but he's not applying for staff and with summer coming, he'll doubtless play more.

Life is just tough sometimes and we all get busy. 50 hours is a respectable amount of time to play. Personally, I support it. +1.

RE: Kritsmab's Member Application - outtasight cosmos - 06-29-2015

+1 dude your awesome glad i got to play with you

RE: Kritsmab's Member Application - Dreadark - 06-29-2015

If he plays more i'll definitely +1. Kritsmad is one of the most fun and mature people to play with.

RE: Kritsmab's Member Application - Minehuis - 07-01-2015

Need to play alot more +/-0

RE: Kritsmab's Member Application - RetralMega - 07-01-2015

(07-01-2015, 12:39 AM)Minehuis(Nerdy)-Fire- Wrote:  Need to play alot more +/-0

Only fifty hours are required. He meets that requirement. He plays just enough to apply.