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Equippable Grenades - Printable Version

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Equippable Grenades - Terran - 06-24-2015

It'd be really neat to have unique types of grenades, right? If you had a type of Grenade equipped, it means that if you pick up a grenade on the map then you'd get one of the type you equipped. E.G: Colored smoke grenades. You could equip a Green Smoke, so if you picked up a generic smoke, it'd turn into your Green Smoke.

Different types could include:

Various smoke grenade colors
Fireworks from discombobs
Multi-colored flames

Or, maybe even more advanced, like special effects.

Napalm Grenades, which are like Incen but continue to damage someone after they walk out of the fire.
Gas Grenades, which are like smoke grenades but blur people's vision when they're in it, and a short time afterwards.
Gravity Grenades, which are like Discombobs but suck people in, and then fling them up/away (Not high enough up to do over 40 damage or so).

Hell, maybe even upgraded grenades.

+20% smoke size.
+50% length of smoke/fire.
1 in 6 chance for a discombob to cause the Force effect if it hits someone.
1 in 6 chance for a discombob to have a flashbang effect.

Or something like "Spawns an incen/smoke/discombob every 30 seconds for you"


RE: Equippable Grenades - Mr. Cyan Spy - 06-24-2015

I want cyan smoke nades.

RE: Equippable Grenades - Zott - 06-24-2015

I liked playing on servers with the custom smokes. added some color. +1

RE: Equippable Grenades - Skully_Fluff - 06-24-2015

Yes please! Perhaps even make different grenades such as one that goes into tinier explosions. Sort of like a disc nade that spreads into smaller ball like things do tiny explosions!

RE: Equippable Grenades - Unpoke - 06-24-2015

I like the idea, but if you throw a nade (aka a discombob or an incin) and it causes reason to KOS, you could easily tell who it is and base it off of that.

I'unno, I'm kind of on the fence here. I suppose several people could have several things similar, but it'd be a way to easily slim down who the T is...

RE: Equippable Grenades - Rotshout - 06-24-2015

That would be cool. I'd like a gravity discombob that regenerates every two minutes.

RE: Equippable Grenades - MassEffector Piggy - 06-24-2015

I like the idea i mean we have different type weapons so why not different type grenades. +1

RE: Equippable Grenades - Dreadark - 06-24-2015

I'd want them to be slight bonuses kinda like traits. Instead of huge bonuses like +50% fire damage.

Such as regain a discombob every 30 seconds.


1 in 5 chance to throw 2 nades at once.


Can hold 2 incends at once.

RE: Equippable Grenades - Dr. Zoidberg - 06-24-2015

CYANIDE GRENADES! o.o +1, mustard gas and agent orange anyone?

RE: Equippable Grenades - Denneh - 06-24-2015

smokes would be good but if u look into a smoke u can see names Sad