Forerunner Gaming
Skully_Fluff's Member+ Application - Printable Version

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Skully_Fluff's Member+ Application - Skully_Fluff - 06-14-2015

Steam Name(Current): Skully_Fluff

Age: 19

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: No, not that I know of or remember at least.

Why would you like to be promoted?: I'd like to be promoted to member+ to help around on the server with the smaller things that wouldn't need higher up staff to come on and have to deal with.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I've been on this server for a long time. I've helped out from time to time, have a crisis badge. Though I do goof off sometimes, and who doesn't from time to time it's a game after all, but I am still responsible when I need to be. Also I have some experience in Gmod, over 3,000 hours by now I believe.

Do you have any administrative experience: Yes, I've been mod and admin on several minecraft servers through out my time. I've also had admin on two separate TTT servers. One name was Tons of T's the other I don't remember since it closed down way before.

Additional Details:

RE: Skully_Fluff's Member+ Application - Jake1o - 06-30-2015

More feedback??

RE: Skully_Fluff's Member+ Application - Jake1o - 07-13-2015

Approved! =D