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+Members and aslaying themselves - Printable Version

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+Members and aslaying themselves - Terran - 06-10-2015

So, we can't aslay ourselves, so I nrslay myself if I RDM. Nuggie told me that if I nrslay it doesn't count because I can still get drops end round, but I can't aslay myself.

What do I do if I RDM and no higher ups can slay myself? Can this be fixed if its true?

RE: +Members and aslaying themselves - McNuggie - 06-10-2015

psa: i haven't used nrslay since I was staff on NTG, so I'm assuming it still works the way it did there

also; i never said it didnt count, i said aslay is better to use since it prevents you from getting a role at the start of the round and puts you into spectator.

RE: +Members and aslaying themselves - Brassx - 06-10-2015

Nrslay should put you in spectate mode, the same way aslay works.

RE: +Members and aslaying themselves - McNuggie - 06-10-2015

(06-10-2015, 01:11 AM)Brassx Wrote:  Nrslay should put you in spectate mode, the same way aslay works.

Clears stuff up, thanks.

RE: +Members and aslaying themselves - Terran - 06-10-2015

I'll test it right now
Edit: Well, it put me in spectator

Nuggie removed my nrslay from before and aslayed me instead, so I dunno.

RE: +Members and aslaying themselves - Chosen - 06-10-2015

One makes a body drop though, Aslay makes you spectator and no body , but nrslay makes a ragdoll appear.