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Nacholistic - Unban Request - Printable Version

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Nacholistic - Unban Request - Nacholistic - 06-07-2015

Steam Name (Current): Nacholistic

Steam Name (During incident): Nacholistic

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53454026

Steam Profile Link:

Name of staff you were banned by: Console

Length of the ban: Perm

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: I would love for it to be repealed, but I would be happy with shortened

Reason for ban: Constant RDM

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes I do

What really happened?: I constantly RDM'd because i thought i would be done with Gmod since i found CSGO, that was wrong.

Additional details: I would love if you would give me a second chance, but I guess I understand if you don't, seeing as I had a bad past, as well as what i did here. I feel as if I have changed, and would be fine with a watch-list type thing?

RE: Nacholistic - Unban Request - McNuggie - 06-07-2015

It's been a long time, the fact that he is trying again sort of says something. I'm not too sure though due to his behaviour on the server before. +0

RE: Nacholistic - Unban Request - Flying - 06-07-2015

I'm usually not all for second chances especially if the reason you rdmed is because you thought you were going to be done with gmod.
I mean if it happened once before who knows if your intentions will revert but I guess I would be fine with maybe not a total appeal but a shortened ban.

RE: Nacholistic - Unban Request - Dreadark - 06-07-2015

nah. all i remember you doing is causing problems and being a douche. dont need you back.

RE: Nacholistic - Unban Request - Terran - 06-07-2015

I just can't trust anyone who decides to "Constantly RDM because they were bored with Gmod". What happens when you "get bored" again? Who's going to have to be RDM'd and pay the price then? There are other servers for you; I've tried to be friendly and even defended you on occasion, but you spurned such attempts and simply dug a deep hole in which you would blather out nonsense and try to make excuses for it.

I just don't feel like I'll have fun if you come back, but that's my personal opinion.

RE: Nacholistic - Unban Request - Anthony - 06-07-2015

This would be like your third chance and you said the same thing when you had problems over there. I used to enjoy playing with Nacho, but then he became a troll -1.

He did similar stuff because he was bored before he had done all this RDM.

RE: Nacholistic - Unban Request - Mr. Cyan Spy - 06-07-2015

(06-07-2015, 04:55 AM)Nacholistic Wrote:  What really happened?: I constantly RDM'd because i thought i would be done with Gmod since i found CSGO, that was wrong.

I don't really know you but I'd have to say no, if you're bored of a game you stop playing o.O not go LOLOLOLRDM
sorry -1 :/

RE: Nacholistic - Unban Request - 2bias - 06-07-2015

You were banned from NTG, WOGS, and FRG. You had 3 chances to improve, but you didn't.  -1

EDIT: Plus the fact you went to wogs shows us you only care about the inventory.

RE: Nacholistic - Unban Request - Aresuft - 06-07-2015

BRUH! You've been unban like 3 times on NTG and you already blew it here on FRG. You always say that its going to be different this time but then you end up doing something stupid or saying troll shit like "This community and Garry's mod is shit, I don't need any of you guys."

You don't just get unban because you're bored.

RE: Nacholistic - Unban Request - Jake1o - 06-07-2015

Yeah dude you've had more than enough chances. You may change for a month or 2 but then you'd just be right back to your old ways like every other chance you were given. Denied.