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Axeistance is a bit OP - Printable Version

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Axeistance is a bit OP - Terran - 06-06-2015

The image can speak for itself, probably. 25% fire-rate is kinda high. I like guns killing slow and making you aim your shots, probably why I don't like shotguns.

RE: Axeistance is a bit OP - Exns - 06-06-2015

Yes please fix

RE: Axeistance is a bit OP - ghasT_T - 06-06-2015

Nope, needs buff

RE: Axeistance is a bit OP - Dreadark - 06-06-2015


yes please

RE: Axeistance is a bit OP - Excel - 06-06-2015

you want every tier that is semi decent to be nerfed...
just make devistating do more dmg if anything
yes the firerate is great but the dmg is meh.

RE: Axeistance is a bit OP - Dreadark - 06-06-2015

excel pls.

RE: Axeistance is a bit OP - Excel - 06-06-2015

Nerfing isnt the best to do to every gun instead buff the higher tiers so they are a little better.Adding more damage on devasting would be better instead of nerfing axistence.Like apcolyptic they were fine before they had -25% accuracy and -25% recoil..

RE: Axeistance is a bit OP - Dreadark - 06-06-2015


RE: Axeistance is a bit OP - Anthony - 06-07-2015

You spelled it wrong.

RE: Axeistance is a bit OP - Terran - 06-07-2015

It was a homage to you, I swear!