Forerunner Gaming
SadFatDegenerate - Membership Application - Printable Version

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SadFatDegenerate - Membership Application - SadFatDegenerate - 06-14-2022

Age: 19

Steam Name: SadFatDegenerate

Time played on servers?: 1200 (I blame afk'ing crates. I promise I go outside)

Where did you hear about this server?: Some friends from high school referred me in like mid 2021

Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope

Why do you want to join?: I like the community despite its challenges at times and having a title might make me feel a little better about those hours up there lol. I also love the server design wise.

Referred by: Reaver/Dox

Additional Details: I too main PVE mostly these days excluding the obvious seasonal events/bimonthlies

RE: SadFatDegenerate - Membership Application - dox - 06-14-2022

+1 It's a member application, so I doubt my plus has any impact

Is a certified no grass gamer

RE: SadFatDegenerate - Membership Application - Jek - 06-19-2022

Sadfat is chill +1

RE: SadFatDegenerate - Membership Application - twentysix - 06-25-2022

he is REALLY fat and REALLY sad +1 chill person to run events with

RE: SadFatDegenerate - Membership Application - Unseld41 - 06-25-2022

+1 fun to play with and carries me in Grims

SadFatDegenerate - Membership Application - Brassx - 06-29-2022