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Easter ideas for weapons and grenades - Printable Version

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Easter ideas for weapons and grenades - DrFormalBanana - 02-15-2022

Bunny fiend
Model: bunny teddy bear

When thrown; spawns a bunny friend that
follows you and throws eggs at attackers.

For the spawn model I was thinking just
a person in a bunny suit so it’s a bit creepy but funny.

For the tracking (if possible) using the pet tracking
would be the most effective along side the attack code
for the hound glove secondary. Of course that alone wouldn’t
be that strong so I was thinking make the egg do only 10 dmg
but having the frozen effect but much shorter with the egg
Teleport model.(not effect)

(Side note: make the eggs thrown by the bunny arch to prevent cross maping)

Egg Tosser
Boomstick so it a secondary
Model: blunderbuss but hammer has an egg on the end.

-5 to +20 accuracy
0 to +20 Damage
+30 deploy speed
2 shots (double barrel blunderbuss?)
0-50 fire rate (optional)
20 mobility (so people actually use it)
-50 to -100 stability (for high fire rate compensation)
+25 reload

Effect: (on double tap reload) fires a (either arching or rolling) Easter egg
that’s a little smaller then average player size that on direct hit will trade places with the target and deal 50 damage (damage optional)

The Egg of 87
Melee similar to branches
Model: animatronic bunny doll (you see where I’m going with this?)

Primary attack: throws (similar to gobble staff) glowing bunny in basket design
that does 115 to head and 20 to body with a 50/50 to turn in to a tiny bunny.

Secondary attack: morphs the player into (either man in bunny suit or glam rock Bonny) that can jump 10-20 (somewhere in between considering smaller maps) times higher then regular player with reduced falling gravity and damage resist of reindeer. When morphed; can grab a player and jump with them (at a reduced hight) and release them at will. Grappled players can turn around and kill the bunny.

For this one I was imagining like an ice effect when being grappled until release to act as a human shield and keep from accidental rdm but that would keep grappled player from attacking so idk, Maybe there is a way around that.

Ultimately these are the more thought out ideas I had, although I have plenty more I’d like to give but I wanted to keep the list short. I hope you like my ideas!! ??

First time suggesting on this server and I’d love to hear some tweaks that others would make to the weapons!