Forerunner Gaming
Balbasur- Membership Application - Printable Version

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Balbasur- Membership Application - Balbasur - 01-23-2022


Steam Name(Current): Balbasur

Time played on servers?(!time username to check):
TTT: 192 hours
Lobby: 77 hours
Tribulation: 18.5 hours

Where did you hear about this server?:
I had originally found the server during Christmas of 2019 while searching random servers. I really loved the inventory system and unique weapons, but the total process of the server never really clicked for me. I would pop in and out for a few weeks at a time until about November of 2021, where I've been playing very consistently and learning the server mechanics since then.

Have you ever been banned and why?:

Why do you want to join?:
I'd like to contribute to the community, I've personally experienced a ton of fun from the server so I'd like to be titled as an advocate for it.

Referred by:

Additional Details:

RE: Balbasur- Membership Application - Jerk Butt - 01-26-2022

no thanks! -1

RE: Balbasur- Membership Application - Meyer - 01-26-2022

All around great guy! +1

RE: Balbasur- Membership Application - JackOlackin - 01-29-2022

He actually plays ttt and I have not seen him cause any issues.


Balbasur- Membership Application - Mousey - 03-21-2022