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Scammers - Printable Version

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Scammers - Red - 01-10-2022

Hi guys,

As many of you know, I am really dumb when it comes to the market which I have started to notice is leading lots of people trying to send me scam offers for high price items that I have. I tell people some of the people offers that I get (many of which are really scammy) but leave out the names of people that are sending me offers and it's so bad that people are telling me that I should report others for trying to scam me. I don't like naming these people off, because i havent been on frg consistently in awhile and I feel like I am simply just susceptible to being scammed. Am i doing something wrong?

RE: Scammers - Mousey - 01-10-2022

Any player that unfamiliar with the eco of FRG is susceptible to being scammed. Never sell any large item without asking multiple players that arent involved in the trade. If you feel you've been scammed then always report to a staff member.

RE: Scammers - MicroBoss - 01-10-2022

yes. play more and get to know prices
Ask someone how much the item is, but most people wont answer since
1. Prices change each day
2. Most people don't know themself they can only give what they think that item is worth.

For those that are trying to scam you. Most people will try to low ball as low as they can go to get the best deal. Unless your talking about 1 godlike shard for Chaos essence type of scam, then i would report those players. (They might be trolling but if they say that to someone new, The new player might think thats a good trade and might take it. Which then the person that offered isn't going to say it was a troll but just accept it)

EDIT: agreed with mousey, i didnt see his reply since i was typing this and playing LOL. (it didn't update the page when you write your reply)
but also it is Really hard to put a price in FRG. As i stated they kinda change daily

RE: Scammers - Swedish Submarine - 01-11-2022

For new players I think these rules work best

Someone offers on an item of yours
A1. Ask in the discord for the price
A2. Make sure to be asking people who aren't close friends/inventory sharers with the person offering if you know who it is (Not insulting inv sharers but they have profit to gain from it)

B. Ask as many people as possible to get a relative average price

C. Wait for other offers and dont tell them your current offer if your unsure of the price. If you tell other players your current offer and the other players aren't trustworthy they may realize that you arent to keen on the current market for that item and piggyback off of that to "offer more" when in reality its still a shitty offer

(And if you think/know you are being scammed message some of the higher ups about it)

RE: Scammers - DONGERWEED29266602592O3852309764 - 01-11-2022

rule of thumb in online game trading is always ask people or ask in the trade channels about offers you get.
people might find it annoying, but it's better to have them out in the open than finding one person and putting all of your trust in them to be reliable price checkers when they could have other motives outside of helping you.

the truth is most people aren't trying to outright scam you, they're sometimes other new players trying to offer what they have, and they're sometimes just people who aren't sure of the prices of your items, as you are, and who don't want to have a bad deal overpaying on their end.