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RE: Un ban request - Vladimir - 11-16-2015

(11-16-2015, 12:55 PM)Psychotic Dave Wrote:  
(11-16-2015, 12:21 PM)Vladimir Wrote:  As fuzzy said It was a irresponsible decision that for some reason I rushed into it. None of it is taken lightly. At all. And most of you knew me then and you can all probably say you don't know why I did it. I am completely different now and I hope you trust my word.

Back on your Member application, McNuggie said he trusted you as a Member of the community and you broke not only his trust, but the trust of everyone in the community. Trusting your word really doesn't sit well with me after that. Someone said it has been around eight months since you were banned and I really don't believe someone can be completely different after such a short period of time.

Another thing that bothers me is where you said "I still do not know why I did it..". No one could possibly know but you. Saying you don't know why you did it is showing that you either make quick decisions and blind yourself from the consequences, or that you can't bring yourself to admit why you did it because you still feel guilt or regret. You also said you hate yourself for it, but is that because you were caught? If you were somehow never caught, could you honestly say you wouldn't still have an aim-bot, or any other hacks or scripts?

I've done pretty terrible things in real life and I got caught. I hated myself for what I did and I told myself I wouldn't do it again, that I was a better person than that. I didn't feel guilty about it because it was wrong, I felt regret because I was caught. I'd think of ways I could have gotten away with it. I know why I did it and it's because it made me happy; even if only for a small period of time. I still do terrible things. The truth is that once you get a taste of darkness, you begin to realize that you're happier doing what you want when you want, regardless of others. After a while, you'll realize that you didn't taste the darkness, it tasted you.

Look I'm going to be completely honest I don't want to sound like cheese but, I let shit get to me. my CD at the time was taking a toll. I found my self giving my most prized possession and inventory away because I was sad. It led me to make the irrational decision that hey maybe if I did this it would take me happy again but it just led to nothing in the end. It did make me happy for only a short time.
If I were somehow never cought I don't think I would have ever lost as many friends as I did. I would have never got help from anyone. I do admit that made me happy just for that time. I still reget it because I'm.maf at my self for not trying to push through my CD but I let it get to me. I do truly care about everyone and the community and the fun, you may say oh he dosent care because he hack. No I still cared about it, I just let real lie depression get to me.

RE: Un ban request - knaveHearted - 11-16-2015

I don't know.

I'm not even a member, so my opinions might not matter much.

But I take hacking very seriously, even in casual/non-competitive play like this. Even if you did wind up unbanned, I don't know if I personally could ever trust playing with you. Or that other people should either.

There's a million cheaters who "Regret doing it." And "Know it was a stupid mistake, they will never do again." But if we just unbanned people after cheating, then other people will just start doing it left and right thinking they'd get a second chance.

I personally don't think cheaters SHOULD get unbanned, even if it was "Just once and they'd never do it again." Especially after being given member. Given other peoples comments, It sounds like you were a fun person to play with, and I regret I didn't have the chance. But my position stands. I don't like cheaters, and feel they SHOULD be permanently banned.

On the other hand, other people in this thread have come out and said that they enjoyed playing with you, and would like to see you unbanned.

RE: Un ban request - RetralMega - 11-16-2015

(11-16-2015, 01:04 PM)Vladimir Wrote:  
(11-16-2015, 12:55 PM)Psychotic Dave Wrote:  
(11-16-2015, 12:21 PM)Vladimir Wrote:  As fuzzy said It was a irresponsible decision that for some reason I rushed into it. None of it is taken lightly. At all. And most of you knew me then and you can all probably say you don't know why I did it. I am completely different now and I hope you trust my word.

Back on your Member application, McNuggie said he trusted you as a Member of the community and you broke not only his trust, but the trust of everyone in the community. Trusting your word really doesn't sit well with me after that. Someone said it has been around eight months since you were banned and I really don't believe someone can be completely different after such a short period of time.

Another thing that bothers me is where you said "I still do not know why I did it..". No one could possibly know but you. Saying you don't know why you did it is showing that you either make quick decisions and blind yourself from the consequences, or that you can't bring yourself to admit why you did it because you still feel guilt or regret. You also said you hate yourself for it, but is that because you were caught? If you were somehow never caught, could you honestly say you wouldn't still have an aim-bot, or any other hacks or scripts?

I've done pretty terrible things in real life and I got caught. I hated myself for what I did and I told myself I wouldn't do it again, that I was a better person than that. I didn't feel guilty about it because it was wrong, I felt regret because I was caught. I'd think of ways I could have gotten away with it. I know why I did it and it's because it made me happy; even if only for a small period of time. I still do terrible things. The truth is that once you get a taste of darkness, you begin to realize that you're happier doing what you want when you want, regardless of others. After a while, you'll realize that you didn't taste the darkness, it tasted you.

Look I'm going to be completely honest I don't want to sound like cheese but, I let shit get to me. my CD at the time  was taking a toll. I found my self giving my most prized possession and inventory away because I was sad. It led me to make the irrational decision that hey maybe if I did this it would take me happy again but it just led to nothing in the end.  It  did make me happy for only a short time.
If I were somehow never cought I don't think I would have ever lost as many friends as I did. I would have never got help from anyone. I do admit that made me happy just for that time. I still reget it because I'm.maf at my self for not trying to push through my CD but I let it get to me. I do truly care about everyone and the community and the fun, you may say oh he dosent care because he hack. No I still cared about it, I just let real lie depression get to me.

Honestly, I can tell that you heavily regret what you did and that you were just in a bad place and didn't really give a fuck about anything anymore. I've been there too.

I change my vote to +1. He should be given another chance with a few drawbacks. Membership stripped and put on the Watchlist are my suggestions.

RE: Un ban request - Unpoke - 11-16-2015

I dunno, unlike other people, I think having a "Member" status will help you in this scenario - at least it makes you different from the other exploiters/hackers/cheaters that come on here for one day and "regret it" (although if you do get unbanned, it'll certainly be revoked). I don't know who you are, but you were obviously a good enough player to get the member status, showing you were at one time a great part of the community, and maybe when you commited these actions, you were in a bad time. I'm sure plenty of us can relate to that as well.
There is a pretty strict no-tolerance rule against hacking here, but with you being a member and all, I don't think anyone would be too upset with you getting another chance.

RE: Un ban request - McNuggie - 11-16-2015

(11-16-2015, 04:03 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  I dunno, unlike other people, I think having a "Member" status will help you in this scenario - at least it makes you different from the other exploiters/hackers/cheaters that come on here for one day and "regret it" (although if you do get unbanned, it'll certainly be revoked). I don't know who you are, but you were obviously a good enough player to get the member status, showing you were at one time a great part of the community, and maybe when you commited these actions, you were in a bad time. I'm sure plenty of us can relate to that as well.
There is a pretty strict no-tolerance rule against hacking here, but with you being a member and all, I don't think anyone would be too upset with you getting another chance.

I highly disagree that it helps him here, it's probably one of the biggest things that may prevent him from getting unbanned, because he broke his earned trust as a member. It's not like he was banned without a rank, but as a member you're expected to know the rules and follow them, and you're supposed to represent the server. Hacking is not a good way of representing the server, and he definitely did not show care for the rules even as a member, which obviously makes it shocking that he did it.

This is just my opinion on the situation. Vladimir, you're definitely one of the coolest people I've known, but shit man, this is something that I'm not sure you can come back from.

RE: Un ban request - Vladimir - 11-16-2015

(11-16-2015, 04:17 PM)McNuggie Wrote:  
(11-16-2015, 04:03 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  I dunno, unlike other people, I think having a "Member" status will help you in this scenario - at least it makes you different from the other exploiters/hackers/cheaters that come on here for one day and "regret it" (although if you do get unbanned, it'll certainly be revoked). I don't know who you are, but you were obviously a good enough player to get the member status, showing you were at one time a great part of the community, and maybe when you commited these actions, you were in a bad time. I'm sure plenty of us can relate to that as well.
There is a pretty strict no-tolerance rule against hacking here, but with you being a member and all, I don't think anyone would be too upset with you getting another chance.

I highly disagree that it helps him here, it's probably one of the biggest things that may prevent him from getting unbanned, because he broke his earned trust as a member. It's not like he was banned without a rank, but as a member you're expected to know the rules and follow them, and you're supposed to represent the server. Hacking is not a good way of representing the server, and he definitely did not show care for the rules even as a member, which obviously makes it  shocking that he did it.

This is just my opinion on the situation. Vladimir, you're definitely one of the coolest people I've known, but shit man, this is something that I'm not sure you can come back from.

I understand. How it shows i have broken the trust i had with the server and you personally. i understand how i am supposed to represent the server, FRG has such a good community they have built up that something that one man did has partially been forgotten, and half the people do not know or remember me or why i was banned. Most of you know me, i was a cool guy but all of you found it shocking that someone like me did such a bad thing. None of you knew that some one showing so much happiness was extremely sad. My faults as a member did not make any one trust me any more but you have lost trust in me. I am expected to follow the rules and i did not, it was a irrational idea of something that i thought personally would make me happy because of my irl situations. I failed to realize that all of my happiness was from the community and the friends that tried their best to help me through my issues. Before I even did it i could feel my self on an emotional decline, i stupidly told my self that no one was their and nothing matters anyway. Over the past eight months I have learned to realize that the people around you care about you and you aren't alone.

RE: Un ban request - fanc typh - 11-16-2015

When it comes to Vladimir, I have to say we need to forgive him.
I've known the dude for such a long time, and it's real easy to tell when he's sincere and when he doesnt even care.
Yes, he hacked, due to spontaneous decisions when he couldnt control how he felt. It's easy to see that it was a small thing that happened, and it should be in the past by now, considering i'm pretty sure we're all aware how much Vlad cares about the server and FRG's members themselves.

I'm going to give him a firm +1, mainly because we can see he's taken the initiative to get help for himself, with the understanding that, as stated before, there's seemingly no way that he's going to do what he did again.

RE: Un ban request - BossLevel - 11-17-2015

I'd just like to say this. I'll keep it short.

I've known vlad since the beginning of time, when we met on NTG back in the godly top tier only days.
We've been friends ever since.

This guy comes to me almost daily fretting over this ban appeal.
He truly cares about this community and this server.

Please have a heart and consider this application.

RE: Un ban request - EmperorWhale - 11-17-2015

I don't even know this guy but hacking is not something that should be excused regardless of who you are. No matter your rank, it should be the same punishment every time and no heartfelt paragraphs should persuade you guys either.

RE: Un ban request - RetralMega - 11-17-2015

(11-17-2015, 10:55 PM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  I don't even know this guy but hacking is not something that should be excused regardless of who you are. No matter your rank, it should be the same punishment every time and no heartfelt paragraphs should persuade you guys either.

Then why allow them to even make an unban request at all?