Forerunner Gaming
Add more donation perks - Printable Version

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RE: Add more donation perks - Terran - 07-27-2015

More Crate options would be nice, yes.

RE: Add more donation perks - COBALTGE0 - 07-27-2015

For 50$ We should have the ability to change our name to a color of our choice

RE: Add more donation perks - Dr. Zoidberg - 07-27-2015

I think, looking at it now, maybe if donator crates guaranteed a certain rarity or higher. (You know, no more decents or moderates from donating..) or maybe a far lower chance of getting these guns.

RE: Add more donation perks - Terran - 07-27-2015

You donate, you gamble. If you win, you get a weapon you can trade or sell very easily. If you lose, you still get stuff, just not what you wanted.

That's a fine system. "Getting better drops" than other players is entering actual "pay to win" territory, if "winning" is "getting better drops".