Forerunner Gaming
The second fresh member application - Printable Version

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RE: The second fresh member application - EmperorWhale - 11-29-2015

Nuggie pretty much hit the nail on the head. +0

RE: The second fresh member application - BossLevel - 11-30-2015

Secretly hate the innuendo's
Secretly love the innuendo's

lub u

RE: The second fresh member application - RadioActiveCow? - 11-30-2015

+soup for radicool gui.

Also you haven't been gaged/muted as many times as me. I'm almost perm muted.

RE: The second fresh member application - Zott - 11-30-2015

Fresh is pretty cool. Can be rude sometimes but I think it's ok. +1

RE: The second fresh member application - SilentSpy - 11-30-2015

I think you troll a bit too much/don't know when you should and be serious. You're fun to play with but I don't think you represent the community well. -1

RE: The second fresh member application - AsPic001 - 11-30-2015

Lies you are 16 you lier

RE: The second fresh member application - ZombieNinja975 - 11-30-2015

Never seen him causing any problems on the server, and I believe he could be a good member +1 P.S Keep up the always furrrrrresh puns

RE: The second fresh member application - Shiny Gyarados - 11-30-2015

Fresh can be a real shit at times, especially when he RDMs me, but I know he does it out of love and for good fun. +1

RE: The second fresh member application - Sirpez - 12-01-2015

he has a pretty soft butt +1

RE: The second fresh member application - Enchantable - 12-01-2015

Really fun player, can be a dick though (event kek.) Still, great guy can be a good member