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Can I get "Normal" on the Teamspeak? - Printable Version

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RE: Can I get "Normal" on the Teamspeak? - Terran - 08-15-2015

Oh. Well, dang. I just see so many "Normal" ranks, and I feel like I want it.

Sorry if I was intruding.

RE: Can I get "Normal" on the Teamspeak? - Dreadark - 08-15-2015

(08-15-2015, 03:21 AM)Brassx Wrote:  
(08-15-2015, 01:46 AM)Aleksandr Wrote:  lmfao brass for some reason wont give people their ingame ranks, im an admin and im a "normal" lmfaoo

Being a rank in-game doesn't give you any rights on teamspeak, the teamspeak IP was never even meant to get out to the public. I made it for my group of friends and I to use for games, so we could stop using the NTG one.

But the IP got out, so it's all good now. I need to make some new ranks for teamspeak, because server-admin on teamspeak literally allows you to be a teamspeak god.

Although might i just add in that the TS IP is the FRG server IP too.

or im just stupid and they actually arent.

p.s never posting again 666 posts.

RE: Can I get "Normal" on the Teamspeak? - Brassx - 08-15-2015

I don't mind giving anyone normal. It's perfectly fine if you want it, I'll add you to it next time I see ya in the TS.

RE: Can I get "Normal" on the Teamspeak? - Terran - 08-15-2015

Cool! Thank you!

RE: Can I get "Normal" on the Teamspeak? - RadioActiveCow? - 08-15-2015

(08-15-2015, 02:05 PM)Brassx Wrote:  I don't mind giving anyone normal. It's perfectly fine if you want it, I'll add you to it next time I see ya in the TS.

me three plx I'm loved too right? Sad

RE: Can I get "Normal" on the Teamspeak? - Chosen - 08-15-2015

Wait am I me two? or me four?

RE: Can I get "Normal" on the Teamspeak? - SilentSpy - 08-17-2015

I'm asking for normal as well so I feel included, please and thank you.

RE: Can I get "Normal" on the Teamspeak? - Dreadark - 08-17-2015

sorry all. 400 TS hours is needed for normal.