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Radio's Ban appeal - Printable Version

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RE: Radio's Ban appeal - halutus - 08-05-2015

I never really knew the guy, and i know very little about the situation, but if I were in his shoes i'd feel pretty bummed out. Not only because of the ban, but because of getting someone else banned. He felt really shitty for doing that, and he admitted to being overrun by greed and anger. 10/10 pls unban gabe

RE: Radio's Ban appeal - Minehuis - 08-05-2015

I think if he was to be unbanned the needs to be some punishment like if you kill a guy in real life in america ur have some or ur rights taken away.

RE: Radio's Ban appeal - Soulmashed - 08-05-2015

I honestly don't know what should happen i do think every one should get a second chance but at this time i dont think its appropriate. I would say that there could be a VERY slim chance to get it shortened but a repeal should not be an option but a shorten to 2-3 months could be a great option.

RE: Radio's Ban appeal - Maximus3131 [TRADING] - 08-05-2015

I don't know of this issue but from what i've seen over months Radio has always been a pretty good guy, this does seem pretty bad though. I would say unban but ban/trade ban for a month or so...

RE: Radio's Ban appeal - Anthony - 08-05-2015

I will not +1 or -1 this I will simply just state what I've seen. For one radio left out that he lied to 2 staff members about the scamming incident after it occurred. However, it has been a long time and I know most of you don't look at NTG and it is a completely different server, but from what I have seen on their forums he has gotten much better. I go on their forums almost every day and his first member app was denied for this which happened on FRG, but eventually he got accepted with minimal or no complaints. I am not saying that he should or shouldn't be unbanned, but it does seem that he will most likely not make the same mistake again and could possibly be a great member of the community.

RE: Radio's Ban appeal - Grassx - 08-05-2015

(08-05-2015, 09:11 PM)Axe Wrote:  I will not +1 or -1 this I will simply just state what I've seen. For one radio left out that he lied to 2 staff members about the scamming incident after it occurred. However, it has been a long time and I know most of you don't look at NTG and it is a completely different server, but from what I have seen on their forums he has gotten much better. I go on their forums almost every day and his first member app was denied for this which happened on FRG, but eventually he got accepted with minimal or no complaints. I am not saying that he should or shouldn't be unbanned, but it does seem that he will most likely not make the same mistake again and could possibly be a great member of the community.

I really reallllllly dislike when people bring up NTG. Someone can act 100% different between two servers. We have absolutely no affiliation with NTG, and how someone acts on the server will not affect how they act on ours.

Edit: I'm not saying radio hasn't changed (as Iddon't know him well), I just don't see how someone acting on one server judges how he may act on ours. (If we give him the chance. )

RE: Radio's Ban appeal - Jake1o - 08-08-2015

Nah dude, there's not much scummier than what you did. I'd honestly rather give a hacker a second chance than someone who pulled the shit you did.