Forerunner Gaming
»Ðante« - Membership Application - Printable Version

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RE: »Ðante« - Membership Application - Wolfy9800 - 07-16-2015

-1 Copy and paste. nah jk +1 great guy, never breaking the rules, always on and is very beautiful.

RE: »Ðante« - Membership Application - Pigeon Lord - 07-16-2015

Fun to play with and an awesome guy, always have a good laugh from the antics we get up to, so a +1 from me.

RE: »Ðante« - Membership Application - NeoLeo - 07-17-2015

holy fuck dante. you're 20?? buy me cigs <3 jk
Dante is great man. i love playing with him. and he knows the rules well. he would be a great prime example of what a member should be +1

RE: »Ðante« - Membership Application - Mr.Potato - 07-21-2015

+1 Dante Is Pretty Cool I've had some fun times with him

RE: »Ðante« - Membership Application - Kendrick Lamar NotFound.Tech - 07-21-2015

+1 always on when I get on at like 8am, always active and he is a kool dude

RE: »Ðante« - Membership Application - Eagle_The_Man_Zack - 07-22-2015

lies Dante I told you to join me -1 jkjkjk I did tell you though +1 can be a jerk to some people but fun to be around

RE: »Ðante« - Membership Application - »Ðante« - 07-30-2015

I apologize if you guys haven't seen me on lately, it is due to the only reason that I am focusing on my C++ course and so far I been Acing it.

RE: »Ðante« - Membership Application - Jake1o - 08-10-2015

I understand you are busy with your class but I'm going to have to deny this due to you being inactive. You are always welcome on the server though and I almost accepted this. Reapply after you ace your class and I'm sure you will have no problem getting member.
