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The second fresh member application - Printable Version

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The second fresh member application - Fresh - 11-28-2015

Age: 17

Steam Name(Current): Fresh

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 137 hrs last I checked

Where did you hear about this server?: NTG kids inviting me to play

Have you ever been banned and why?: never ever. Though I has probably been gagged and muted more than anyone else if that counts Tongue

Why do you want to join?: I've been playing on this server for a little while an I think it's really neat. I don't really have high hopes for other people opinions of me because I know I can be annoying, but I figured id give it a shot. I was member on NTG for a few months until I departed due to becoming busy/bored. I especially like the fact that there is one server usually filled with like 14 people which is completely perfect. Along with that I don't really rage much due to bein killed with op stuff. I'm still super poor like I probably will always be but I love most o the players here so much it makes me look forwards to getting on the PC in the morning <3

Referred by: nobody

Additional Details: stay dandy baby B^)

RE: The second fresh member application - Dreadark - 11-28-2015

I've known Fresh for a while and even though he is pretty gay, he is mature and fun to play with. +1.

RE: The second fresh member application - Unpoke - 11-28-2015

+1, he's already unmistakably part of the community imo.

RE: The second fresh member application - fanc typh - 11-28-2015

(11-28-2015, 06:24 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  +1, he's already unmistakably part of the community imo.

This, and to mention I love to join whenever Fresh is playing, just due to the fun he adds.

RE: The second fresh member application - Terran - 11-28-2015

He's alright. Doesn't cause any real troubles, just tends to be annoying to players. Otherwise he's just the same old fresh that everybody knows, for better or for worse. +1 I suppose.

RE: The second fresh member application - Rotshout - 11-29-2015

Pretty cool "gender neutral 3 tailed pyrofox who should be addressed as xer."

RE: The second fresh member application - ghasT_T - 11-29-2015

I thought you were already a member lol +1

RE: The second fresh member application - knaveHearted - 11-29-2015

I think he's fun, but didn't know he had so much time since I only first saw him recently, but he's been consistent on his appearances since then. I've had arguments with him regarding rules, he acts like the rules are the same here as NTG when they aren't. If he reads the rules (all of them, including forum and coinshop rules.) he should be fine, +1 if he does all that. I'll change my vote if I see him break any.

RE: The second fresh member application - Mex 4 Member - 11-29-2015

yes <3 +1

RE: The second fresh member application - McNuggie - 11-29-2015

I'm neutral. You sometimes can show trolly behavior and you can go a bit far with some of the things you say. You're fun to play with but its just those things that make me unsure.