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Cobaltgeo's~Member Ship Application - Printable Version

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Cobaltgeo's~Member Ship Application - COBALTGE0 - 11-26-2015

Age: 14

Steam Name(Current): Cobaltgeo

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): Around 200 Hours

Where did you hear about this server?: Dreadark

Have you ever been banned and why?: No NOT IN GAME i have not been banned except for name change's Several Times HAVE BEEN FORUM Moderated STILL IS

Why do you want to join?: At first being permanently banned from ntg i was left in a disarray until kindly dreadark posted on my steam profile about this server at first ill be honest at first i thought it was a rip off of ntg but i shortly after learned brassx made the server i loved it the idea was so fresh and vibrant and new and it was balanced a huge difference and better the community welcomed me in they werent spitefully hateing me instead they welcomed me with open arms i have made many friends on this server and i dont intend to stop anytime soon

Referred by:???

Additional Details:I have 1652 Hours in gmod its my favorite game and i play it most of the time I can also move my scalp and this is a Excellent talent

RE: Cobaltgeo's~Member Ship Application - doctorRat - 12-02-2015

Weren't you banned on forums? That still counts under have you been banned before.
I would give a +1 other than that because even though he is bad he still upholds the rules and tries to be a good member of the community.

but for lying on this app i have to give a +0.

RE: Cobaltgeo's~Member Ship Application - knaveHearted - 12-02-2015

I never get along with him. And have to have him muted whenever he's on because he's extremely immature, and extremely annoying. Definitely a prime example of what we shouldn't, and don't want representing this server. firm -1

RE: Cobaltgeo's~Member Ship Application - EmperorWhale - 12-02-2015

I'm not sure, sometimes people are rude to cobalt just cause he has a bad rep. Chances are he probably hasn't actually done anything to a lot of peopple but if this rep is deserved I wouldn't know. +.5?

RE: Cobaltgeo's~Member Ship Application - Terran - 12-02-2015

I mean, I think people give you high hell way too often, but I don't think that you can represent FRG. Sorry. You're actually a neat guy when people get to know you, and I'd call you a friend, but in my honest opinion you should wait a few years before pursuing anything like so.

Anyways, sorry but a -1.

RE: Cobaltgeo's~Member Ship Application - 2bias - 12-02-2015

(12-02-2015, 02:40 AM)doctorRat Wrote:  Weren't you banned on forums? That still counts under have you been banned before.
I would give a +1 other than that because even though he is bad he still upholds the rules and tries to be a good member of the community.

but for lying on this app i have to give a +0.

He was never banned, his posts are moderated(and they still are), however.

RE: Cobaltgeo's~Member Ship Application - Rotshout - 12-02-2015

(12-02-2015, 03:11 PM)tobiasx Wrote:  
(12-02-2015, 02:40 AM)doctorRat Wrote:  Weren't you banned on forums? That still counts under have you been banned before.
I would give a +1 other than that because even though he is bad he still upholds the rules and tries to be a good member of the community.

but for lying on this app i have to give a +0.

He was never banned, his posts are moderated(and they still are), however.

He has been chatbox banned twice.

RE: Cobaltgeo's~Member Ship Application - 2bias - 12-02-2015

(12-02-2015, 03:47 PM)Rotshout Wrote:  
(12-02-2015, 03:11 PM)tobiasx Wrote:  
(12-02-2015, 02:40 AM)doctorRat Wrote:  Weren't you banned on forums? That still counts under have you been banned before.
I would give a +1 other than that because even though he is bad he still upholds the rules and tries to be a good member of the community.

but for lying on this app i have to give a +0.

He was never banned, his posts are moderated(and they still are), however.

He has been chatbox banned twice.

chatbox, yes, forums in general, no.

RE: Cobaltgeo's~Member Ship Application - McNuggie - 12-02-2015

I think that you have some maturing to do before we can consider you as a member. You don't deserve half of the shit you get from people but as Terran said I'm not sure I could see you representing the server yet.

-1 from me.

RE: Cobaltgeo's~Member Ship Application - Mex 4 Member - 12-02-2015

-1 Because I don't think you would be a good represtation of FRG sorry m8 agreeing with Terran.