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ZaccydudeFTW Member App 4 - Printable Version

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ZaccydudeFTW Member App 4 - Zaccydude1165 - 11-22-2015

Age: 15

Steam Name Current: ZaccydudeFTW

Time played: 205 Hours

Where did i hear about the server: When I first got on garrys mod this was the very first server i came on.

Have you ever been banned: No I have not

Why I want to join: Well I have been playing on this server a while and I have made a lot of friends. Plus this community is great and something i really want to be a part of because This server is plain awesome.

Refered By : No one

RE: ZaccydudeFTW Member App 4 - EmperorWhale - 11-22-2015

You've just gotta keep up your playtime zaccy. I don't see you much

RE: ZaccydudeFTW Member App 4 - Zaccydude1165 - 11-22-2015

emperor I am only allowed to play on weekends until my grades get up but i will be on all of thanksgiving break

RE: ZaccydudeFTW Member App 4 - Chosen - 11-23-2015


RE: ZaccydudeFTW Member App 4 - Zott - 11-30-2015

Zaccy's a cool dude. Doesnt cause problems. +1

RE: ZaccydudeFTW Member App 4 - Terran - 11-30-2015

Oh, yeah, a +1 from me too. Nice friendly guy.

RE: ZaccydudeFTW Member App 4 - McNuggie - 11-30-2015

+1, Zaccy is a nice guy and would make a great member. I never see him cause any problems Big Grin

RE: ZaccydudeFTW Member App 4 - Enchantable - 12-01-2015

Always talking and being nice to peoples


RE: ZaccydudeFTW Member App 4 - Unpoke - 12-01-2015

He's not a bad player, he just goes on vacations a lot. As long as he's known among the server so we can get an accurate vote on whether he should be member or not, I don't think he should be obligated to play consistently or anythin' like that.
For that reason, there's nothing that shouldn't allow him to be a member. +1 from me.
Great player, funny, not really annoying a lot, c00l b34n.

RE: ZaccydudeFTW Member App 4 - SilentSpy - 12-01-2015

I don't see how inactivity should affect a member's app, a +member or above maybe but not this. When he is on (which afaik is a decent amount but I'm not 100% because Fallout 4 sucks up all my time) he's friendly to everyone. +1