Forerunner Gaming
Patchnotes 11/10/2015 - Printable Version

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Patchnotes 11/10/2015 - Brassx - 11-11-2015

•The free slot machine rolls from the Appreciation Badge are now fixed.
•Fixed exploit with clearing alt accounts in !cha.
•Fixed several marketplace bugs with stackable items(you now get the full amount per quantity).
•Added !cooldown to the lobby to allow you to either check your own cooldown, or other(you can !cooldown username, or !cooldown *)

•Adjusted rarities of some unique items.
•Added a chat message that is displayed when the laser respawns after despawning(if a player disconnects with it).
•Adjusted HP amount for the first two pillar bosses.
•Slightly increased attack range of the final boss.
•Increased velocity of the special slash attack.

RE: Patchnotes 11/10/2015 - Aresuft - 11-11-2015

•Slightly increased attack range of the final boss.


RE: Patchnotes 11/10/2015 - Terran - 11-11-2015

The end boss sounds more fun now!
Also not noted here: !cooldown is a function in the Lobby now, it seems.

RE: Patchnotes 11/10/2015 - Brassx - 11-11-2015

Yea updated the OP with more info.

RE: Patchnotes 11/10/2015 - Dreadark - 11-11-2015

is my commission in the game yet aresuft.

RE: Patchnotes 11/10/2015 - SP1D3RP1G - 11-11-2015

Do I get a Trust Badge for reporting the Stackable Item Bug? I know it's an older bug so I understand if I don't get one.

RE: Patchnotes 11/10/2015 - Anthony - 11-11-2015

To be fair I thought the final boss was hard enough :/. Is he even kitable now or are you gonna be forced to get hit?

RE: Patchnotes 11/10/2015 - EmperorWhale - 11-11-2015

We figured out the only system to kill the final boss without dying, now it's even harder. If a group can actually beat it now, I'll give them all 25 coins. GL Smile

RE: Patchnotes 11/10/2015 - 2bias - 11-11-2015

>doesnt get credit for finding said !cha exploit


RE: Patchnotes 11/10/2015 - siglings - 11-11-2015

we just got it down to 20%

before the urn died
