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Pestilence Membership Application - Printable Version

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Pestilence Membership Application - Echidnah - 08-27-2015

Age: 15

Steam Name(Current): Pestilence

Time played on servers?: 67 hours 17 minutes 32 seconds

Where did you hear about this server?: From terran a while back.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Not that i have knowledge of but i will admit i have been slayed

Why do you want to join?: Because its a fun server.

Referred by: Terran

Additional Details: This is an application that has been denied.

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - Terran - 08-27-2015

People should respond, honestly. I know he doesn't play as much as some of us no lifers (cough, me), but he's really nice and just an all-around good guy. Doesn't RDM either, well intentionally anyways! +1!

I will advertise the HELL out of this app. Prepare!

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - Unpoke - 08-27-2015

+1 to u good sir
good player no problems yadda yadda

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - NeoLeo - 08-27-2015

(08-27-2015, 11:49 PM)Terran Wrote:  People should respond, honestly. I know he doesn't play as much as some of us no lifers (cough, me), but he's really nice and just an all-around good guy. Doesn't RDM either, well intentionally anyways! +1!

I will advertise the HELL out of this app. Prepare!

I agree with terran. He's a great guy and deserves member.
I wont advertise but ill put a good word in for him Wink <3 +1

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - Dreadark - 08-27-2015

Can confirm. Terran DID indeed advertise for him.

He may not be the most active but I did see him today. He is a cool guy. If he stays somewhat active then +1.

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - wookiepie - 08-28-2015

+1, fun to play with, follows rules, tried to kill me with a bedframe IRL

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - Enchantable - 08-28-2015

+1 I guess prety nice gui and doesnt do any massr dmsr

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - Chosen - 08-28-2015

+1, There is nothing bad to say about Pestilence and i'm surprised not enough people responded before.

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - SP1D3RP1G - 08-28-2015

Terran didn't lie. +1 He is a cool guy. Typically people Terran introduce to the server go far and do a lot for the server. (he introduced Rotshout, Rot intr. me, rot and I donated and so on...)
+1 to Terran too.

RE: Pestilence Membership Application - Wolfy9800 - 08-28-2015

+1 He's a nice player, doesn't cause any drama. Also Terran promised me a hug to +1 him so. Yeah.