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Ballsacagawea Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ballsacagawea Ban Appeal - Ballsacagawea - 06-24-2015

Steam Name (Current):Ballsacagawea

Steam Name (During incident):Ballsacagawea

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:60519262

Steam Profile Link:

Name of staff you were banned by:Mcnuggie

Length of the banTongueerm

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?:Either would be great

Reason for ban:ddos threats

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:Yes

Additional details:I was joking around since i was playing with my friends

RE: Ballsacagawea Ban Appeal - Minehuis - 06-24-2015

I never would like to see some dumb person making threats of taking the server back playing again -1

RE: Ballsacagawea Ban Appeal - Terran - 06-24-2015

Threats against the server are taken VERY seriously. It really depends on how you said it. Nuggie would have to elaborate.

RE: Ballsacagawea Ban Appeal - McNuggie - 06-24-2015

DDOS threats are taken very seriously.

I was given no proof by anyone, except I had an entire server saying you threatened to DDOS the server and threatened to Hack people, which is simply NOT acceptable. (I wasn't going to do anything w/o proof until Jake told me to ban you)

You need to think before you speak, especially when you're threatening the server. Joking or not, you can't join the server, threaten it (especially after only playing for less than 13 minutes before it happening), and expect not to be banned.


RE: Ballsacagawea Ban Appeal - Soulmashed - 06-24-2015

I will say this he did not traten the server its self but he did say that he would DDOS the individuals on the server at the time. But you where just banned and probably never will be. So -1.

RE: Ballsacagawea Ban Appeal - Dreadark - 06-24-2015

Well, I joke around saying I'll ddos friends all the time. Like saying Clutch or ddos. And Soul says it wasn't against the server itself.

But, this stuff is taken very seriously and it dosen't seem like he was just saying it to close friends.

I could see maybe reduced to a few months but it really depends on the exact way it went down.

RE: Ballsacagawea Ban Appeal - Ballsacagawea - 06-24-2015

(06-24-2015, 03:42 AM)McNuggie Wrote:  DDOS threats are taken very seriously.

I was given no proof by anyone, except I had an entire server saying you threatened to DDOS the server and threatened to Hack people, which is simply NOT acceptable. (I wasn't going to do anything w/o proof until Jake told me to ban you)

You need to think before you speak, especially when you're threatening the server. Joking or not, you can't join the server, threaten it (especially after only playing for less than 13 minutes before it happening), and expect not to be banned.


I was also saying it in a voice that all of my friends like to joke around with i had also not seen the rules.

(06-24-2015, 04:49 AM)Dreadark Wrote:  Well, I joke around saying I'll ddos friends all the time. Like saying Clutch or ddos. And Soul says it wasn't against the server itself.

But, this stuff is taken very seriously and it dosen't seem like he was just saying it to close friends.

I could see maybe reduced to a few months but it really depends on the exact way it went down.

I said i would ddos someones family and if thats a threat then that makes no sense

RE: Ballsacagawea Ban Appeal - Unpoke - 06-24-2015

At least they confessed they did what they were accused of.
Since it was a new player, and it may have very well been a mixture of joking with friends + general ignorance of the rules, and because the accused did at least show they cared enough to make an appeal rather than just moving on, maybe it's worth giving them only a small ban.

Then again, they may want to be unbanned to continue to screw with people/the server.
I don't really know.

+/- 0

"I said i would ddos someones family and if thats a threat then that makes no sense"
If this were the case, I would profile that under more bullying/harassment than server threats.

RE: Ballsacagawea Ban Appeal - NeoLeo - 06-25-2015

Its going to stay a -1 for me. I was on when he threatened these things. Just unacceptable. try again in a month and I might change my opinion.

RE: Ballsacagawea Ban Appeal - RetralMega - 06-25-2015

-1. If a simple rule about threatening the server can't be followed, then this person clearly doesn't care about the rules.