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Free candy!!!!! - Grassx - 06-17-2015

All you need to do is enter the van...

BUT SERIOUSLY, I'm abusing the summer sales and bought a few games to giveaway. All you need to do is chose a number between 1-1000 and tell me what your favorite color is.

The games are;  How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition (donated by Pigeon Lord)
Oblivion GOTY (donated by NotChosen)
Five Nights at Freddy's 2(donated by Aresuft)
Hotline Miami
DLC Quest
Bioshock triple pack which includes Bioshock 1,2 and Bioshock infinite!

I'll do the giveaway in a few days when there's a decent amount of people entered!

EDIT: Post if you have any of these games already please!

RE: Free candy!!!!! - Aresuft - 06-17-2015

525 thanks m9 purple

RE: Free candy!!!!! - Anthony - 06-17-2015


RE: Free candy!!!!! - Seal #3 - 06-17-2015

798 and my favorite color is Crimson.

Vielen Dank, Mame

Ich hoffe, dass ich gewinnen Bioshock und nochmals vielen Dank grassx

Mad yet?

RE: Free candy!!!!! - Jake1o - 06-17-2015

222 Cyan

RE: Free candy!!!!! - McNuggie - 06-17-2015

121 and light red.

Hope I get the Bioshock pack, thanks so much Grass.

RE: Free candy!!!!! - Skully_Fluff - 06-17-2015

777 and blue.

RE: Free candy!!!!! - Mougwi - 06-17-2015

600, black. Anything but FTL if I win. I already have it Big Grin

RE: Free candy!!!!! - Terran - 06-17-2015


Dark Blue.
I have nothing there, but would love FTL.

RE: Free candy!!!!! - Chosen - 06-17-2015

666 and its Green Smile . Cant win Bioshock, already own it.