Forerunner Gaming
Mcnuggie abuse report - Printable Version

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Mcnuggie abuse report - Excel - 06-12-2015


RE: Mcnuggie abuse report - Zott - 06-12-2015

Bruh these fake reports are so misleading. I thought bae was in trouble.

RE: Mcnuggie abuse report - McNuggie - 06-12-2015

Seriously excel.

RE: Mcnuggie abuse report - 2bias - 06-12-2015

(06-12-2015, 04:55 PM)McNuggie Wrote:  Seriously excel.

seriously mcnugget.

RE: Mcnuggie abuse report - Chosen - 06-12-2015

Lol, I was about to comment . +1 Abuses.

RE: Mcnuggie abuse report - Rangerdanger - 06-12-2015

(06-12-2015, 04:55 PM)McNuggie Wrote:  Seriously excel.

Dont hate the player
hate the game

RE: Mcnuggie abuse report - Dreadark - 06-12-2015

+1 whenever I see Mcnuggie he rdms me and i can't fight back because he gimps, gags, and jails me.

RE: Mcnuggie abuse report - fanc typh - 03-07-2017

report never got finished

RE: Mcnuggie abuse report - NeoLeo - 03-07-2017

Perma Banned

Thanks for the report!

RE: Mcnuggie abuse report - Eclipse - 03-07-2017

He called me a bad name and made me cry
