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Full Version: Enraged Trident
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A few things seem broken on the enraged trident which is kinda disappointing considering how rare they are and how annoying it is to collect the eyes (6 of either tradeable or not tradeable which you aren't allowed to mix and match)


The right click tentacle ability downright is broken and does nothing currently other than make a splash sound

Also, the shield appears to do nothing? I see it appear but for the life of me it doesn't really seem to do anything.

Lastly, while not a bug like the two things listed above with the power creep of new melee items in terms of mobility would it be possible to allow the trident to move faster than base speed? It feels like it currently gives 0% mobility in an age where legendary melees give +25% mobi. I'm not asking that trident get anything like that but somewhere in the range of 10-15% would be nice. It just feels extremely slow to use considering how rare it is and the cost of obtaining it versus other options. Thanks for your time
Enraged trident gives 25% mobi. Normal trident is 10%. It's built into the weapon and not a stat on the item.