Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: I'm TIRED of the zoomers and coomers saying "ok boomer"
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Angry you Angry KIDS Angry  have Angry  no Angry  idea Angry  how Angry  long Angry  i-ve Angry  worked Angry  a Angry  minimum Angry  wage Angry  job Angry  to Angry pay Angry  off Angry  my Angry  fursuit Angry  that Angry  i Angry  didn/t Angry  even Angry  get Angry  to Angry  enjoy Angry  because Angry  all Angry  the Angry  kids Angry  at Angry  anthrocon Angry laughed Angry  at Angry  my Angry  suit's Angry  bald Angry  spot Angry . It,'s Angry  not Angry  a Angry  joke Angry , Angry  male Angry  pattern Angry  baldness Angry  affects Angry  many Angry  MASCULINE Angry  and Angry  CONFIDENT Angry  men Angry  such Angry  as Angry  myself Angry  and Angry  there]s Angry  no Angry  reason Angry  my Angry  fursona Angry  can't Angry  have Angry  the Angry  same Angry  condition Angry  . It's Angry  a Angry  normal Angry  condition Angry  caused Angry  by Angry  GENETICS Angry  . Angry  It Angry  doesn't Angry  make Angry me Angry  a Angry  BOOMER Angry .
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