Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: naw shizz; I think it's time.
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Don't die Fancy.
Hopefully this is like your other departures and you're coming back within a year.
If not, then I see FRG losing another great member.
Hey dude sad to see you go. Had lots of fun times on TTT with you (and lots of rage when i died to your overpowered guns constantly). Whenever I was checking who was on the server to see if I should get on or not, seeing your name would always make me join. I'm glad to hear that I left an impression on you as well over the years Smile

I am also going into university soon, so even if I don't know what your plans for your future are, I can relate to the feeling that things are gonna become very different very fast. I wish you good luck in whatever you do bro and always remember to keep things fun.

oh yeah and hit up me and terran if you ever want to play any games
Miss you Fancy
I'll remember the good ol days of NTG for both of us
Cya later alligator
Man I liked you. Hope you pull a Kuro on us and suck at leaving. (I know you'll read this Kuro you're still here lol). But if not I wish you the best in life and I hope you manage to scumfuck manipulate a 10/10 rich hot babe to give you her house like you did with the bloodfury lul. Nonetheless good luck on becoming whatever you want to and feel free to return should you ever miss us.
Yours truly, Nutfart.
atleast keep our streak going on sc :> hopefully youll come around sometimes dood
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