Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: Omnipotent guns disappearing
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Few days ago I traded msevil my omnipotent mac 10 of the phoenix, only to have her not recieve the gun but have it taken from my inventory.
Not really a big deal i thought, not too rare of a gun (just good scroll gun i liked.)
Didnt think much of it, until today I saw jerome drop a omnipotent mp5 of the phoenix and wanted it to replace said gun i lost.
Well, traded jerome and he gave it to me for free, only to find that this gun ALSO disappeared.
Weird, both same tier with phoenix. They just omnipotents so not a big deal on getting them back, but it is concerning to have both of the guns disappear, so hopefully this can lead to finding a reason why they disappaered, and preventing it from happening to others.
Hmm, seems to happen to guns that have a name overwrite, like jolly. Has anyone had this happen with a totallyterran?
I had an omnipotent tmp disappear a while ago after I sorted my inventory