Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: CAn't Quickswitch (FROM) Hellfire/Oracle/Flereous/etc
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I.E you can switch from anything else to the gun quick, but you can't switch back. Extremely annoying, I rely on quiuck switch all the time and it really impedes me, especially while using a hellfire (Not being able to switch to a Deagle fast sucks).
I noticed this a while ago because I quick switch a lot, especially during gunfights. I think it's mostly with the guns that Tobias made, I can't do it with Flereous, Aezurth, couldn't do it with dragon strikes.

IIRC it affected some other godlikes, bu I can't remember which ones (the bows/railgun maybe?)

It's very annoying and I hope it gets fixed.
It also effects some t/d weapons
i was gonna post about that but kept forgetting
thanks dad
please fix this for gods' crying shame
I was actually going to bump this earlier today because I played with my aezurth and I remembered how awful it is to switch with

Plz fix
Triple bumperino
Can’t quick switch with book, idk about orbs, also some equipment items you can’t switch either
I can't seem to have the weapon menu up while quick switching, it bugs the hell outta me
This is so fucking annoying
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