Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: Vhoxel member+ app
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Steam Name(Current): Vhoxel

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Karma banned twice for stupid DoW ball memes

Why would you like to be promoted?: Having a weird college schedule, i get to be active during the day more when there's less people on. Most of the time, there's no staff member to be seen because everyone has school. I'll be able to help out ingame when no mods are available. Also to go on a power trip :kappa:

Why do you think we should promote you?: I've played FRG for a long time now and I feel like its time i i kick it up a notch. I mostly play by the rules unless its just me and some friends, in which case i may or may not hit them with props. By promoting me, I'll be able to help out more often on the server and will be able to represent it better.

Do you have any administrative experience: No.

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): Yes.
(By agreeing above you are agreeing that you understand you are not entitled to said promotion, and that we have all rights to deny or approve the application
for any reason we see fit, you agree to not stir up any trouble if the application outcome is not your desired outcome.
Failing to abide by this can result in a full demote, or perma-denial.)

Additional Details: There are some cases where I accidentally pull a big bad but I promise i never do these kind of things purposely to target people etc.
Denied for now. I'll message some things to work on.