Forerunner Gaming

Full Version: feks' +Member Application #3
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Steam Name(Current): feks

Age: 17

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Yes, a quite a few karma bans. Most of them purposely.

Why would you like to be promoted?: Honestly? Mainly for self-benefit. Something to help keep me in check.

Why do you think we should promote you?: Hm.. I have quite a few hours on the server if I say so myself. Probably picked up a thing or two about helping administer the server to fill those spots that are left open by inactive +Members.

Do you have any administrative experience: Officially, no. Does my life count? I'm managing to stay alive. Bad joke.

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): Yes.

Additional Details: I'm aware of my RDM and T-baiting. Although, usually it's on "friends" that are mutually fooling around for the funsies. But still something I could work on.
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